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Computer Science

  • Hyunjik Kim profile image

    Hyunjik Kim

    Machine Learning Researcher

    While studying maths for my undergraduate and masters degrees at Cambridge, I was always interested in practical applications of…

  • Should all robots have an ethical black box?

    WHODUNNIT?! Nowadays, the idea of encountering robots in our daily lives isn’t pure science fiction. Many of us interact…

  • Lions Thumbnail

    Do all lions sound the same?

    If you’ve ever been lucky enough to hear a lion roar (whether that’s at the zoo or in the…

  • Featured image for video "Electricity Access for All".

    Electricity Access for All

    How can we sustainably electrify parts of the world that don’t currently have access to clean and reliable energy?…

  • Black Lives Matter Thumbnail

    How is technology being used to track Black Lives Matter protestors?

    We’ve probably all heard the phrase ‘Big Brother is watching you’ (a reference to the fictional character in George…

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