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  • Lessons from Lockdown Energy Use. Thumbnail image: Phil and Jan talk over a cup of coffee.

    Lessons from Lockdown Energy Use

    The months of lockdown were difficult. From an energy perspective, however, we were able to learn a lot. In…

  • Gas power station. Background image for podcast episode "Is the energy crisis going to get worse?"

    Is the energy crisis going to get worse?

    Over the past year, we’ve seen our energy bills reach unimaginable heights. The war in Ukraine is having devastating…

  • Pizza. Image for podcast episode "Is ordering a pizza bad for the climate?"

    Is ordering a pizza bad for the climate?

    In this episode of the Big Questions podcast, we’re talking about one of our favourite guilty pleasures – ordering…

  • How do you stop megafires?

    From California to Greece to Australia, it seems like every time we switch on the news there’s another wildfire…

  • Cartoon of crops growing in a dry field. Featured image for the animation "Hardy Crops to Tackle Food Insecurity".

    Hardy Crops to Tackle Food Insecurity

    Our world is getting more and more densely populated. By 2050 there’ll be nearly 10 billion people on our…

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