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  • Ukraine flag

    How is misinformation about the war in Ukraine spreading?

    Misinformation about the war in Ukraine – and countless other topics, such as the pandemic and climate change –…

  • Aliaksandr Herasimenka

    I am a postdoctoral researcher and director of research at the Programme on Democracy and Technology at the Oxford…

  • COVID world cartoon; featured image for podcast episode "How does a pandemic end?"

    How does a pandemic end?

    Masks, social distancing, lockdowns. We’ve become intimately familiar with numerous COVID-19 control measures over the past two years. Now,…

  • Erica Charters profile image

    Erica Charters

    Historian of Medicine

    I’m a historian of medicine and, more specifically, I research the relationship between disease and society.  I’m particularly interested…

  • Gas power station. Background image for podcast episode "Is the energy crisis going to get worse?"

    Is the energy crisis going to get worse?

    Over the past year, we’ve seen our energy bills reach unimaginable heights. The war in Ukraine is having devastating…

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