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  • "What makes the human brain so special?"

    What makes the human brain so special?

    We often hear that we’re remarkably similar to our primate relatives, both in terms of our genetics and our…

  • Rogier Mars profile image

    Rogier Mars


    I am originally a psychologist—a scientist interested in human behaviour. During my PhD at the Radboud University Nijmegen (the…

  • Woman looking at a mobile phone. Featured image for podcast episode "Why do we develop bad habits?"

    Why do we develop bad habits?

    From biting our nails to idly scrolling on our phones, we all have those habits we wish we didn’t.…

  • Walk Your Worries Away!

    Lockdown Walks – Walk Your Worries Away!

    It’s no surprise that walking is good for us physically, but did you know that walking can actually make…

  • Showing the moving posters for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Primer, King Kong and Superman

    What did Hollywood get right and wrong in these movies?

    King Kong, PI, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind and Superman III. What do these 4 films have in…

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