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Keren Papier

Senior Nutritional Epidemiologist

How can we know which foods are good for us, and which ones aren’t? Growing up in different countries exposed me to different food cultures and sparked my interest in how different diets might affect health from a young age. This interest led to undertaking a bachelor of Public Health Nutrition (Griffith University), a PhD in Epidemiology (Australian National University), a postdoc in Nutritional Epidemiology (University of Oxford), and carrying out research in several international research settings including in Thailand, the Philippines, Australia, and the UK.

At the University of Oxford, I research diet and disease associations using large-scale observational studies (for example the Million Women Study) which track people over time to see if certain diets appear to be linked with the risk of developing disease. I am particularly interested in the health effects of animal-sourced foods and plant-based diets and am the Principal Investigator for the Feeding the Future Study (or FEED). This study, funded by the Wellcome “Our Planet Our Health” programme, “Livestock, Environment and People (LEAP)” and the World Health Organization, aims to describe contemporary plant-based diets and diets containing meat and fish in UK adults, and examine the motivations and characteristics of the adults consuming these diets.

To hear more about my research on meat and plant-based diets check out these YouTube videos:

OxWEST – The Science of Veganism

Oxford Sparks Live: A Meaty Conversation
