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- Supporting Birth with the 'Fit4Labour' Decision Support Tool
- Decoding Developmental Language Disorders and Peer Victimisation in Young People
- Wild medicine: learning from chimpanzees
- The water beneath our feet: our reliance on groundwater
- Clouded leopards: tracking genomes for conservation
- Tracking down lost lions
- What is the SchistoTrack Research Group?
- Wandering in the woods: trying to cure cancer by not trying to cure cancer
- Immunotherapy: finding hidden ways to treat cancer
- The magic of mangroves: defending the defenders
- Behind the scenes in the Fly Lab
- Pandemics: The Unanswered Questions
- The immune system under the microscope
- The importance of sleep
- The Rhino Fertility Project
- Behind the scenes: developing a new malaria vaccine
- Life Without Music
- The Brains Behind Your Breakfast
- Code-Based Colleagues: The Future of Work and AI
- How do we decide when to act?
- A Book at Bedtime
- What do we tell the children?
- The Future of Automation in the Home
- When Stress Turns Bad
- Demography: Understanding Our World
- Movies and the Wildlife Trade
- Antimicrobial Resistance: A Dance with Nature
- Feeding the Future Study (FEED)
- The Symphony of the Brain
- Parasites: From Foe to Friend
- Can e-cigarettes help you stop smoking?
- Understanding Mosquito Behaviour
- Behind the Scenes in the 'Cell Lab'
- On the Edge of Existence: Rediscovering a Lost Coral
- Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's superalloys!
- Lessons from Lockdown Energy Use
- The Winchcombe Meteorite - One Year On
- Origami Inspiration - 3D Printing and Robots
- Doing a PhD on Your Hobby - Scooters
- Assessing Healthcare Outcomes with GENDER-Q
- The Shape of Water?
- Why do I feel sleepy in winter?
- Why do I always spill my coffee?
- A New View on Cancer
- Lockdown Walks - Is this a fossil I see before me?
- Lockdown Walks - Walk Your Worries Away!
- Lockdown Walks - Disappearing Bugs
- Lockdown Walks - Meet Your Bird Neighbours
- Lockdown Walks - Spring Plants
- Lockdown Walks - Urban Stargazing
- Lockdown Walks - The Mysteries of Ice
- The RainDrop Experiment
- Electricity Access for All
- Electric Vehicles and the Future
- Coping with voices: Being with people
- Lockdown Walks - What's that solar panel doing?
- Lockdown Walks - What's the secret behind Autumn colours?
- Lockdown Walks - Who's that American in the woods?
- Seabird Monitoring - Witnesses in the wild
- Lockdown Walks - How can I spot a badger?
- Lockdown Walks - What's up with those clouds?
- Understanding Covid-19 transmission, informing control
- Changing plant chloroplasts to improve crop performance
- Mechanobiology - the stress of life
- Using your science to understand volcanic eruptions
- Using your science to explore the climate history of Mars
- Using your science to reveal how much rain fell on the dinosaurs
- Our mysterious ocean floor
- How do unborn babies and mothers communicate via the placenta?
- Can we make a sensor that can match a sniffer dog?
- Positioning in challenging environments
- When did cats arrive in Britain?
- A smart patch that promotes shoulder repair
- Hardy Crops to Tackle Food Insecurity
- Viewing extreme events through social media
- Our immune system - the battle within
- Soluble Semiconductors- A revolution in Printing for the 21st Century?
- Bacteria Safari: The Forest on your Fingernail
- Protecting elephants, protecting humans
- Discovering life-changing dementia treatments
- Ancient Mysteries in Marvellous Mud
- Materials for nuclear fusion: how do you confine a sun to a box?
- How does electricity flow through small objects?
- DNA: A Rich Tapestry
- How to read DNA
- Keeping Social Media Social
- What are Quantum Rainbows
- Conserving nature – it’s not just about the animals...
- What can chemists learn from nature?
- Brain development in teenagers
- What is Machine Learning?
- Hip Hip Hooray
- Power People
- Run for Your Light
- What makes you tick?
- Shedding Light on the Situation
- A Case of Crystal Clarity
- Jet Plight
- A Spin Around the Brain
- Rogue Planet
- Underwater Volcano Disaster
- Another Case of Heart Trouble
- Towards Absolute Zero
- A Quick Look Around the LHC
- Is it OK to laugh at Tourette's?
- What is a dinosaur highway?
- How horny are hedgehogs?
- What can batteries of the future learn from eels?
- Why is my bottle cap attached to my plastic bottle?
- Why are we seeing the Northern Lights more often?
- Why track mistletoe?
- Why are birth rates falling in the UK?
- What is a wind drought?
- How do you sequence the genomes of 70,000 species?
- How do I keep my house cool without air conditioning?
- What time is it on the moon?
- How can origami help make energy?
- How do you fossilise a brain?
- How do earworms work?
- How are seals affecting fishing catches?
- Why am I killing my house plants?
- How are volcanoes formed on other planets?
- Can we talk to bees?
- Why are people obsessed with how cute cats are?
- How freaked out should I be about bed bugs?
- When did we start kissing?
- How do you stay warm in your house without central heating?
- How will climate change affect wine?
- What are the odds of a white Christmas?
- How do you reintroduce lions?
- Does banning smoking work?
- Why are deep fakes happening?
- What's the cool stuff that we've learnt from the James Webb Space Telescope?
- Would you want to meet an alien?
- Could 'Jurassic Park' actually happen?
- How can we use sound waves to eliminate infections?
- How do you convert CO2 into jet fuel?
- How do you use social media to deliver humanitarian aid?
- How has life expectancy changed after the pandemic?
- Can you make a dengue fever forecast?
- Can my gut health improve my mental health?
- Why do research on research?
- How could spider sex unlock secrets to engineering?
- Is the metaverse doomed?
- Can you cure jet lag?
- Should I feel guilty eating turkey at my Christmas dinner?
- How can a simulation help treat kidney stones?
- How were new craters on Mars discovered?
- What makes the human brain so special?
- Why is the UK still in a drought?
- Why is the James Webb Space Telescope a big deal?
- What is green steel?
- How do you create autonomous robots that can investigate under the sea?
- How do you grow the perfect tomato?
- How is misinformation about the war in Ukraine spreading?
- How does a pandemic end?
- Why do we develop bad habits?
- Is the energy crisis going to get worse?
- Is ordering a pizza bad for the climate?
- How do you monitor mosquitoes using their sound?
- How can we improve endometriosis treatment?
- Why build a magnetically shielded room?
- Why is Rudolph's nose red?
- How do you tackle hate speech one emoji at a time?
- Umm...Should I be wearing a mask?
- How can satellites prevent mining disasters?
- How do you stop megafires?
- Could chocolate go extinct?
- Should all robots have an ethical black box?
- Is a snack tax on the horizon?
- What's an arboretum anyway?
- Did the pandemic make us moodier?
- Will climate change kill off the great tits?
- Can we build an eco-friendly aeroplane?
- Why are we searching for water on the moon?
- Has lockdown made me bad at sleeping?
- Do all lions sound the same?
- When did dogs become our best friends?
- Who should get the vaccine first?
- Should we edit genes to make nicer people?
- Are video games good for my mental health?
- Should I buy a real or a fake Christmas tree?
- How do I win Fantasy Football?
- How is technology being used to track Black Lives Matter protestors?
- Can celebrities save the pangolin?
- What does the 'R Rate' really mean?
- How do you measure pain?
- How are we using energy in lockdown?
- Why is Oxford's Botanic Garden making gin?
- How tricky is it to make a COVID-19 tracing app?
- How do you fight malaria in the back of a van?
- What's in the Indian Ocean?
- Should we trust scientists?
- How garlicky is your garlic?
- What does my family want to know about coronavirus?
- Can we diagnose heart attacks faster?
- Can data find me a date?
- Who was Henrietta Leavitt?
- Can we stop ageing?
- Why do diets fail?
- What's under Lapland?
- Where is my hoverboard?
- How do you build a super sewer?
- Are bats superheroes or villains?
- Why are athletes using ketones?
- Why aren’t we dead?
- How big a deal is that picture of a black hole?
- Did volcanoes help kill off the dinosaurs?
- What do nerves sound like?
- How do you turn a plastic bag into fuel?
- What did Hollywood get right and wrong in these movies?
- Why do birds lay eggs?
- Can computers predict crime?
- Why should we cuddle?
- Why does Uranus smell like farts?
- What happens in the field?
- Should I be a vegan?
- Can a machine pick a perfect Christmas gift?
- Can you hack an aeroplane?
- Why does my phone battery suck?
- How do you bake a cake in a microwave?
- Where are all the Mangarahara cichlid hiding?
- How do you grow rice faster?
- How do you teach a robot social cues?
- Is there a faster way to diagnose Tuberculosis?
- Can you stop Alzheimer’s before it even starts?
- What is antimatter?
- Can you cure HIV?
- What do water striders have in common with Game of Thrones?
- How does the brain identify voices?
- How do you mend a broken heart?
- How did Mary Somerville get on the Scottish 10 Pound note?
- How do you become an astronaut?
- Does love have a scent?
- How do you measure a Mars quake?
- What happens after a storm?
- Is vaping better than smoking?
- How do you survive the office Christmas party?
- Where have all the cicadas gone?
- How do you run a marathon with two kids?
- How fast is Greenland moving?
- Should I take a selfie with a wild animal?
- What does Hollywood get right and wrong when science is in the storyline?
- How open should open data be?
- What happened to the first soviet scientist to solve a fundamental problem in mathematics?
- How do you teach a machine to a drive a car?
- Will supersonic transport ever make a comeback?
- How do you turn an orange into a grapefruit?
- Earthquakes, can we make smarter buildings?
- What can a power ballad can teach us about the sex life of a fruit flies?
- How do we stop our social media obsession from making us a target for crime?
- How do you make scientific equipment space proof?
- What would life be like if Parasitoid Wasps didn’t exist?
- Can bubbles help cure cancer?
- Are exhausts causing dementia?
- How do you make a reliable weather forecast?
- Is my bacon sandwich really going to kill me?
- The Canary in the Coal Mine: could seabirds be the warning signs for our oceans?
- How does sunlight damage DNA?
- How do you harness a single photon?
- Could you connect to the internet through your lights
- How can you see very distant things across the galaxy?
- How do surgeons train?
- Can sounds change how things taste?
- What happens when we fly?
- How does AI help us understand how we learn language?
- How is climate change affecting the oceans?
- How are mountains made?
- How does nature inspire new drug treatments and more?
- Can electric shocks help people learn quicker?
- Can sleep help in exam performance?
- How can maths unravel how things are connected?
- How do new fathers form relationships with their children?
- What is bioquality and how do we conserve it?
- What are the links between mental illness and violence?
- How can remote water pumps be monitored?
- What does mosquito genetics tell us about malaria control?
- What are exoplanets?
- What are the genetics of speech?
- What do changes to populations of penguins tell us about climate change?
- Can volcanic eruptions be predicted?
- How do you create a machine that learns?
- How does artificial intelligence spot patterns
- How will big data help us treat diseases?
- When did animals get so diverse?
- How was the atomic bomb created?
- How do placebos work?
- What are Turing Patterns?
- What causes tinnitus?
- What's inside Robert Robinson’s chemical box?
- Is it possible to simulate the Universe?
- What does genetics tell us about the people of the British Isles?
- Are parallel universes real?
- What do we know about Great Tits?
- What are the breadth of scales in physics?
- Why does water make looking at proteins difficult?
- Can Nanomedicine help improve cancer treatments?
- What are the origins of the universe?
- What are the origins of Earth and the Solar System?
- Where does human life begin?
- Melina Malli
- Duncan Murdock
- Yujia Zhang
- Nishant Kumar
- Lin Qiu
- Samantha O’Sullivan
- Emma McMillian
- Zoe Brown
- Tianqi Wang
- Tanya Singh
- Antoniya Georgieva
- Ollie Spacey
- Sînziana-Ioana Oncioiu
- Paula Sheppard
- Matthew Wright
- Elodie Freymann
- Claudia Bertoni
- Chrishen Gomez
- Goylette Chami
- Fabian Reitzug
- Eloise Ockenden
- Nicole Miranda
- Tori Macera
- Kitty Clarke
- Richard White
- Tammie Bishop
- Carly Howett
- Jingyi Yang
- Alexandra Morton-Hayward
- Jacob Kingsbury Downs
- Claire Tanner
- M Garrido Davies
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- Louise Aukland
- Richard G. Compton
- David Pyle
- Stuart Wigby
- Patrick Gildersleve
- Amy Dickman
- Early-life diseases linked to lifelong childlessness
- Fair Water? An exhibition of the inequality below the surface at Oxford's Natural History Museum
- Expert Comment: Turning COP’s promises into progress and the rise of climate regulation
- Researchers define new class of regulatory element in DNA
- Professor Julia Black CBE PBA elected as tenth Warden of Nuffield College
- VALIDATE network receives Medical Research Council grant
- $5 trillion of nature-related economic risks will amplify climate change, says Oxford study
- Report sets out recommendations for reducing inequities and improving care for babies of Asian and Black mothers
- COP28 Expert Comment from across Oxford University
- Expert Comment: It is remarkable how much we agree. COP28 and the transition from fossil fuels
- Oxford Vaccine Group, Department of Paediatrics, University of Oxford receives £7.8 million in research funding to fight pandemic and epidemic threats
- Unprecedented conservation triumph: Saiga antelope return from the red list
- Oxford scientist to lead international transdisciplinary consortium towards delivering NetZero Healthcare
- A rethink of support for families in the UK necessary, says report
- Study finds that vast amounts of waste are caused by single-use e-cigarette batteries
- Ancient DNA reveals how a chicken virus evolved to become more deadly
- Study shows diverse gut bacteria communities protect against harmful pathogens by nutrient blocking
- The Oxford Colloquy – New podcast series by Prof Sir Andrew Pollard
- Antibiotic resistance genes are spread more widely between bacteria than previously thought
- XTX Markets extends funding for graduate students displaced by the war in Ukraine
- Expert Comment: Just stop oil is easy to shout but it cannot just happen - and not 'justly'
- Researchers develop a blood test to identify individuals at risk of developing Parkinson’s disease
- Oxford Engineering Student Wins Prototypes for Humanity innovation award at COP28
- Oxford mourns the loss of Mrs Mica Ertegun, CBE
- Expert Comment: Catchy headlines do not lead to action and change. It looks likely we will overshoot 1.5 C
- Remote collaborations deliver fewer scientific breakthroughs, says Oxford co-led research
- Armed to the hilt: Study solves mystery behind bacteria’s extensive weaponry
- Clinicians, practices, and patients all have a part to play in dealing with risks of remote GP consultations
- No ‘smoking gun’ mental health harm from internet: landmark Oxford survey
- Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Centre named in first global initiative for children with rare diseases
- Three Oxford academics awarded European Research Council Consolidator Grants
- New survey reveals that a quarter of UK adults mistrust others
- Research-led support for parents and families affected by war
- Professor Lucie Cluver nominated for a prestigious fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences
- Government welcomes university spin-out review co-chaired by Oxford’s Vice-Chancellor
- Large Language Models pose risk to science with false answers, says Oxford study
- Expert Comment: How our novel model resolves the key pandemic policy debates
- Epidemic-economic model provides answers to key pandemic policy questions
- AI that automatically detects methane plumes from space could be a powerful tool in combating climate change.
- New study reveals that bees cannot taste even lethal levels of pesticides
- Oxford-led study shows how AI can detect antibiotic resistance in as little as 30 minutes
- Six Oxford social scientists scoop top awards for world-leading research
- Professor Charlotte Deane named as Executive Chair of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
- Oxford Robotics Institute wins prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prize
- Extraordinary new space phenomenon mystifies scientists
- IMF and University of Oxford launch 'PortWatch' Platform to monitor and simulate trade disruptions
- Countries go à la carte with international allegiances, major survey reveals
- £4.3m boost for Oxford-Glasgow spinout tackling antimicrobial resistance
- AI tool could help thousands avoid fatal heart attacks
- Heart attack risk decreased in new mothers by self-monitoring blood pressure at home
- Found at last: bizarre, egg-laying mammal finally rediscovered after 60 years
- Children were neglected during the pandemic – important lessons still to be learned
- University of Oxford and SCG Chemicals launch £1m SCGC-FIRST fund to accelerate sustainable technology development and help decarbonise the chemicals industry
- Trillions in hidden costs of agrifood systems revealed by Oxford research contained in UN report
- Doctors' communication style can boost patients' weight loss success, first of its kind study from Oxford finds
- CEPI and University of Oxford advance vaccine work against potentially deadly Arenaviruses
- Expert comment: Oxford AI experts comment on the outcomes of the UK AI Safety Summit:
- BBC Countryfile investigates at Oxford’s Wytham Woods
- Oxford-led consortium wins £18 million in renewed funding for doctoral studentships
- Expert Comment: Leading AI nations convene for day one of the UK AI Summit
- International research transforms understanding of the history of cats in Europe
- Risks, regulation - but opportunities too: AI is thriving in the UK, say experts
- RECOVERY trial expands to investigate treatments for influenza
- New training centre will bridge the gap between environmental science and AI to address global environmental challenges
- New research finds that nature-based solutions are essential for Brazil to meet its 2050 net zero pledge
- Expert Comment: Oxford AI experts respond to PM Rishi Sunak speech ahead of the UK AI Safety Summit
- First digital atlas of human fetal brain development published
- Oxford launches new vaccine trial to enhance design of flu & COVID-19 vaccines
- New study shows how bumblebees make decisions ‘on the fly’ to maximise energy returns
- Nico Rosberg meets Oxford students sponsored by Rosberg Philanthropies to research climate change solutions
- Artificial Intelligence skills can increase salaries by as much as 40%
- Prestigious fellowship for acclaimed Oxford Economist, Professor Steve Bond
- Estimating hospital-acquired SARS-CoV-2 infections in England
- The Colour of Music: Kaleidoscope Chamber Collective to perform at Oxford's Sheldonian Theatre
- First UK spine fracture patients identified by NHS-X and Nanox.AI Artificial Intelligence research study
- From square to cube: Hardware processing for AI goes 3D, boosting processing power
- School pupils to take part in sports and educational workshops at Oxford in community initiative
- New AI tool could help predict viral outbreaks
- New study reveals source of largest ever Mars quake
- Global Commission on Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking to lead international battle to end forced labour
- Global impact of Oxford University Innovation highlighted in new report
- Tackling persistent inequities underlying maternal mortality
- Scholarship programme for the innovators of the future launched
- Wearable sensors provide early detection of progression in Parkinson’s Disease
- Expert Comment: How consumers are navigating the Amazon/Alexa data dilemma
- Oxford to lead global collaboration to research and develop next-generation COVID-19 and flu vaccines
- Vice-Chancellor acts on homelessness
- Professor Alan Bernstein appointed as new University of Oxford Director of Global Health
- New research finds that warm summers and wet winters yield better wine vintages
- Expert Comment: AI demand is booming for the right skills and for the technology ‘glue-guys’
- The Gradel Institute of Charity opens in New College
- Gene therapy opens new possibilities for treating chronic pain
- University of Oxford partners with Breakthrough Prize Foundation in search for life beyond Earth
- University of Oxford named Focused Ultrasound Centre of Excellence
- Vice-Chancellor's Oration 2023
- First students on Oxford’s new Foundation Year begin their studies
- Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Centre Launches Pioneering Therapeutics Accelerator to Advance Innovative Treatments for Rare Diseases
- New research finds that reducing antibiotic usage in animal feed is not enough to combat antibiotic resistance
- Oxford R21/Matrix-M™ malaria vaccine receives WHO recommendation for use paving the way for global roll-out
- Oxford research on poverty, unemployment, terrorism and global kleptocracy celebrated for real-world impacts
- Expert Comment: Jobs will be automated, but not because of the latest Generative AI
- Oxford awarded triple ‘Gold’ in the Teaching Excellence Framework
- Oxford awarded triple ‘Gold’ in the Teaching Excellence Framework
- Oxford University is the world’s top university for a record eighth year
- Worcester College, Oxford accepts transformational gift from Sir Lindsay Owen-Jones
- Generative AI could transform work; boosting productivity and democratising innovation
- Wind and solar power could significantly exceed Britain’s energy needs
- King Charles presents President Macron with Oxford University research on Voltaire’s work
- Longer-term organ abnormalities confirmed in some post-hospitalised COVID patients
- Tour Victorian Britain as a landscape of vivid colour in a major exhibition at the Ashmolean
- Oxford researchers develop 3D printing method that shows promise for repairing brain injuries
- New study finds that sewage release is worse for rivers than agriculture
- Young people’s mental health deteriorated at greater rate during the pandemic
- Researchers issue urgent call to save the world’s largest flower -Rafflesia - from extinction
- Study shows detrimental impact of Long Covid on the education and lives of children and young people
- Major boost for Oxford University's battery research
- Foundation Ceremony: Performances mark construction progress for the Schwarzman Centre
- Oxford and Liverpool scientists launch new vaccine trial for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
- Oxford ranked third most intensive science and innovation cluster in the world
- Oxford ranked third most intensive science and innovation cluster in the world
- Anthony Reddie: first Professor of Black Theology in 900 years
- Replanting logged forests with diverse seedlings accelerates restoration, says Oxford study
- Tree planted at Begbroke Science Park to mark structural completion of new University science buildings
- When it comes to starting a family, timing is everything
- Continuing inequalities contribute to wide variation in rates of stillbirths and neonatal deaths across UK
- Professor John Cardy awarded Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
- Older 'Family Fortunes Voters' influenced by financial struggles of younger relatives
- First volunteers receive vaccine for Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in Oxford clinical trial
- E-cigarettes, Varenicline and Cytisine found to be the most effective stop-smoking aids
- Lions on the brink – New analysis reveals the differing threats to African lion populations
- Expert comment: Professor Walker on the Morocco earthquake disaster
- Poor metabolic health could increase risk of developing dementia later in life
- New study disentangles a long-standing link between inflammation and cancer progression
- Oxford University welcomes UK associate membership of Horizon Europe
- Three Oxford academics shortlisted for the Wolfson History Prize 2023
- Four Oxford academics awarded European Research Council Starting Grants to launch their ideas
- Blood clots during COVID-19 may be a cause of ongoing cognitive problems
- University will host numerous activities and openings for Oxford Open Doors 2023
- New ‘droplet battery’ could pave the way for miniature bio-integrated devices
- Contours that kill: New study shows geometry influences prey capture in carnivorous pitcher plants
- Important vaccinations
- Important vaccinations
- Oxford scientists honoured with four Royal Society Awards
- New model predicts ten year breast cancer risk
- Researchers extract ancient DNA from a 2,900-year-old clay brick, revealing a time capsule of plant life
- Heat can cause rapid food insecurity in days, says Oxford research
- A-level results: Congratulations to Oxford's new students
- New study offers hope in early detection of oesophageal cancer
- Oxford Africa Conference Report 2023 reveals insights to drive transformative journey
- Expert Comment: Three factors that help beat the odds in Young Lives
- Oxford University-built instrument ready to map water on the Moon
- West African archaeology to benefit from partnership of Oxford School of Archaeology and Museum of West African Art.
- Nanopore technology achieves breakthrough in protein variant detection
- No evidence linking Facebook adoption and negative well-being
- What did the Romans do for us? Aqueducts and the art of Roman water management
- Oxford University team wins national teaching award
- Collaboration with Formula 1 to offer Engineering Scholarships at Oxford extended until 2025
- COVID-19 measures reduced life-threatening invasive bacterial infections
- Just Four Films. BBC-Oxford social sciences join forces to turn four great ideas into fantastic new films
- Researchers successfully train a machine learning model in outer space for the first time
- Oxford R21/Matrix-M™ malaria vaccine receives regulatory clearance for use in Burkina Faso
- Science Together celebrates a second successful year of community-led research collaborations
- New Museum of Climate Hope trail in Oxford: Journeying back in time can help us understand our planet’s future
- Multi-billion-dollar risk to economic activity from climate extremes affecting ports: Oxford report
- Multi-billion-dollar risk to economic activity from climate extremes affecting ports: Oxford report
- Twelve Oxford academics elected 2023 British Academy Fellows
- James Webb Space Telescope detects interstellar dust grains in the first billion years of cosmic time
- Oxford to launch UK’s first trials unit dedicated to precision-prevention and early detection studies
- Oxford chemists achieve breakthrough achievement: hazard-free production of fluorochemicals
- Routine brain scanning may improve clinical care for people with psychosis
- More than 900 at-risk animal and plant species not covered by global trade protections, new research shows
- African Phase I HIV vaccine trial shows encouraging preliminary results
- UK in top 10 ‘dangerously unprepared’ for heat, if global 1.5ºC target is missed: Oxford report
- UK in top 10 ‘dangerously unprepared’ for heat, if global 1.5ºC target is missed: Oxford report
- 25 countries halved multidimensional poverty within 15 Years, but 1.1billion remain poor
- Participating in genetic studies is in your genes: Oxford study
- Participating in genetic studies is in your genes: Oxford study
- Aid Agencies debate legacy, legitimacy and look to the future at Oxford conference
- Oxford conference to prepare for future of pandemics
- Oxford opens the UK’s first Space Innovation Lab
- Poor air quality found to affect mental health in many ways
- Novavax COVID-19 vaccine as a second dose generates high immune response in young people
- Aid Agencies at a watershed. Charities need to show they are fit for purpose: Oxford report
- Harrison Steel and Mihir Sheth named Young Engineers of the Year by Royal Academy of Engineering
- Expert comment: We are hooked on a toxic transport addiction. Time to break the habit
- Study reveals new mechanism for rapid evolution of multi-drug resistant infections in patients
- New study finds plastic pollution to be almost ubiquitous across coral reefs, mostly from fishing activities
- New Oxford study sheds light on the origin of animals
- Professor Denise Lievesley appointed to lead review of the UK Statistics Authority
- Oxford University’s volcanic research showcased at Royal Society’s Summer Science Exhibition
- Oxford University to lead tidal energy project for carbon emission reduction and energy security
- Record number of unicorn founders from the University of Oxford
- New research shows how studying the humanities can benefit young people’s future careers and wider society
- Double disadvantage: Unemployment, youth and electoral participation in the UK
- Local young artists recognised in the University of Oxford's science-inspired art competition
- New Royal partnership study to promote infant wellbeing and development.
- Leducq-funded transatlantic network set to pioneer new diagnosis and treatment of heart disease
- Women diagnosed with early breast cancer today are much less likely to die from the disease than 20 years ago
- Net zero targets must become a reality to keep Paris temperature goals live
- Oxford Professors awarded prestigious UKRI Turing AI World-Leading Fellowships
- Members of Oxford University recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours 2023
- Beacon Therapeutics spun out by Syncona and Oxford raises £96 million for retinal gene therapy
- Beacon Therapeutics spun out by Oxford and Syncona raises £96 million for retinal gene therapy
- Six Oxford University scientists win Royal Society of Chemistry Prizes
- Alcohol consumption increases the risks of over 60 diseases
- Honorary degrees awarded at Encaenia 2023
- Fertility in England and Wales at lowest recorded level for women in all education groups: Oxford research
- New study could help unlock ‘game-changing’ batteries for electric vehicles and aviation
- Oxford Professor of Chemistry elected to oldest learned US society
- Oxford University launches the Artful Intelligence Season - Creative Conversations about AI
- Multi-cancer blood test shows real promise in NHS trial
- UK’s first Professor of LGBTQ+ History at University of Oxford
- New study shows quitting smoking can improve mental health
- Oxford University’s undergraduate admissions report published
- Oxford retains top spot for spinouts
- The safety of GP prescribing in England was not adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic
- Baseball and basketball players who peak early, die early
- Eight Oxford researchers become Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences
- Reading among England’s primary children not affected by pandemic: new report
- Extremely hot days are warming twice as fast as average summer days in North-West Europe
- We saw the crowns placed on the King and Queen: heads of Oxford houses in key role at the Coronation
- Expert Comment: No need to wait for the future, the danger of AI is already here
- University’s new Local and Global Engagement Officer appointed
- The University of Oxford's relationship with the Sackler family - statement
- Ethnic minority patients yearn for warmth from health care professionals, research finds
- Oxford University awarded University of Sanctuary status
- New Centre for Energy Materials Research officially launched
- Royal Society elects eight Oxford scientists as new Fellows
- Gregory Doran appointed next Cameron Mackintosh Visiting Professor of Contemporary Theatre
- Autoimmune disorders found to affect around one in ten people
- Artificial neurons mimic complex brain abilities for next-generation AI computing
- Oxford’s first Sanctuary Fair to be held in May
- Here comes the sun: New study shows how UK weather conditions influence music success in the markets
- Online consumers at risk from ‘intelligent’ price manipulation: Oxford and Imperial experts
- Are we ethically prepared for Disease X?
- James Naismith appointed as Head of MPLS
- Oxford University marks the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III
- Honorary degree recipients for 2023 announced
- Oxford University joins largest ever ocean survey in a global effort to save marine life
- ‘Spectacular’ new find: Roman military camps in desert found by Oxford archaeologists using Google Earth
- Universities boost investor confidence with new spinout framework to spur economic growth
- Oxford University Chancellor appointed Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter
- Antimicrobial use in agriculture can breed bacteria resistant to first-line human defences
- Gift from fintech entrepreneur provides fully funded scholarships for Black British postgraduates
- First offers made to prospective students for Oxford’s Astrophoria Foundation Year
- Using social media activity to monitor and respond to population displacement in Ukraine
- Elephant seals drift off to sleep while diving far below the ocean surface
- Fossils reveal a 100-million-year-old relationship between feathered dinosaurs and feather-feeding beetles
- Trial investigating potential treatment for fatigue relief in people with long COVID reports results
- R21/Matrix-M™ malaria vaccine developed by University of Oxford receives regulatory clearance for use in Ghana
- £12 million investment for Future Vaccines Manufacturing Hub
- New tool uses existing health records to predict people’s risk of developing lung cancer within the next 10 years
- Four Oxford researchers awarded €2.5 million European Research Council Advanced Grants
- ‘ONE’ program that provides early years numeracy skills for children to be trialled in 150 schools
- Study reveals new insights on what caused the 1920 baby boom
- Online arts and culture for young people’s mental health research programme announced
- £29 million investment to support critical battery research
- COVID-19 vaccine compensation schemes increased during pandemic
- School closures may reduce COVID-19 transmission, but may also harm children's education and wellbeing
- World Rugby Hall of Fame inducts Varsity Match
- 300 companies created by the University of Oxford
- Cambridge claim clean sweep in Boat Race 2023
- Oxford biologists comment on new Genetic Technology Act
- Any type of hormonal contraceptive may increase risk of breast cancer
- What’s your sound barrier? New study finds nearly one in five people in the UK find everyday sounds intolerable
- Beyond Boundaries 2023 art competition opens for entries from local school students
- ‘DJ Cuppy’ - Oxford graduate, philanthropist and global music producer - announces £100,000 gift in support of African Graduate students
- New research shows how cultural transmission shapes the evolution of music
- Turtle and crocodile species with unique characteristics are more likely to go extinct
- Study shows viewing self-harm images online and in social media usually causes harm
- Kate Mavor is appointed new Master of St Cross College
- Having the genetics of a night owl protects night shift workers against sleep loss
- Hope into Action: Social Sciences Impact Conference online
- Exciting discovery of Dürer sketch made during study of drawings at the Ashmolean Museum
- New study shows artificial intelligence could help locate life on Mars
- Sarah Foot becomes first female Dean of Christ Church
- Global study shows the experience of Endometriosis is rooted in genetics
- New report promoting safer sleeping for babies in England
- Study shows delaying treatment for localised prostate cancer does not increase mortality risk
- Prostate cancer AI diagnosis tool begins evaluation in Oxford
- New method shows promise for locating deposits of critical metals
- Oxford early-career researchers celebrated at STEM for BRITAIN 2023
- The women founders contributing to Oxford’s spinout success
- Oxford awarded £1.25 million official funding to accelerate vital research, and go from local to global
- New breakthrough enables perfectly secure digital communications
- Oxford spinout opens R&D lab to apply AI to global issues
- Silk from spiders and silkworms found to be a promising material to repair injured nerves
- New hub receives £2 million to develop the communications technologies of tomorrow
- ‘Rivers in the sky’ shape African climate - research
- Genetic variants influencing human fertility identified - new research
- International recognition is important but female scientific researchers are less internationally-mobile - report
- Oxford researcher deployed with UK medical team to support Turkey following major earthquake
- Oxford Professor of Poetry applications now open
- Oxford Professor of Poetry elections now open
- Construction of the Schwarzman Centre gets underway
- Major collaboration reveals new insights on binary star systems
- Expert Comment: No UN member, whichever continent they are in, can claim Russia's invasion does not concern them
- New study could help pinpoint hidden helium gas fields – and avert a global supply crisis
- How Oxford has supported Ukrainian students
- Small temperature rise can cause large scale forced migration - study
- Coronavirus Vaccines Research and Development Roadmap launched
- Expert Comment: Three decades on, Ukraine, a sovereign country, is fighting a war for independence
- NHS COVID-19 app saved estimated 10,000 lives in its first year, research finds
- 40% of time spent on mundane chores could be automated within 10 years – AI experts
- Expert Comment: This is no proxy war - Russia really invaded Ukraine
- Expert comment: Professor Walker on the Türkiye/Syria earthquake disaster
- Nine in ten major metropolitan areas in Europe lost population because of COVID-19 pandemic
- Oxford Biology don named new Chief Scientific Adviser
- Expert Comment: The Russian War against Ukraine: Retrospect and Prospect
- Major trials to test effectiveness of cannabidiol on psychosis
- Operation Pangolin launches to save world’s most trafficked wild mammal
- Protecting our children in a crisis
- Oxford University’s SDG Impact Lab announces partnership with newly launched Rosberg Philanthropies
- Life and Mind Building construction tops out
- Expert Comment: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and European public opinion
- Oxford philosopher launches project to explore the ethics of AI
- World’s oldest European hedgehog found in citizen science project
- Professor Abigail Williams hosts docuseries on BBC Radio 4: I Feel Therefore I Am
- New study identifies key success factors for large carnivore rewilding efforts
- Two million Euro grant awarded for fundamental research in machine learning
- Oxford scientists develop test that can identify respiratory viruses within five minutes
- Oxford joins Target Oxbridge programme supporting Year-10 school students
- Expert Comment: Online Safety Bill - a missed opportunity?
- New multidisciplinary project will help forecast where and when deadly disease outbreaks are likely to occur
- Life in a violent country can be years shorter and much less predictable – even for those not involved in conflict.
- Oxford spinout trials revolutionary bioelectronic implant to treat incontinence
- New blood test could save lives of heart attack victims
- Expert Comment: Let's bring the city centres back to the people
- Three or more concussions linked with worse brain function in later life
- More than one third of year's learning lost in pandemic - study
- Children have not recovered learning lost during the COVID-19 pandemic - study
- Large-scale fossil study reveals origins of modern-day biodiversity gradient 15 million years ago
- Holocaust remembered in Oxford: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories
- COVID-19 is a leading cause of death in children and young people in the US
- COVID-19 increased public trust in science, new survey shows
- Gero Miesenböck awarded 2023 Japan Prize
- Major funding for Oxford will help find new cancer treatments
- Leaping beetles inspire new, miniature jumping robots
- Role of lymphatic system in bone healing revealed
- CO2 removal is essential, along with emissions' cuts, to limit global warming - report
- Vaccination shown to protect against pregnancy complications from COVID-19 Omicron variant
- New study shows that most plastic debris on Seychelles beaches comes from far-off sources
- Oxford to lead international consortium to unlock potential of programmable nucleic acid drugs
- University of Oxford Chemist honoured in annual Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists
- International trade and world economies exposed to multi-billion-dollar climate risk to ports - Oxford study
- Professor Tim Palmer wins Royal Astronomical Society’s Gold Medal
- Climate goals can be achieved at affordable cost, if fossil fuel producers pay for carbon clear up - Oxford-led study
- Raising the minimum age of trophy hunted lions could make hunting more sustainable, new study finds
- Oxford students join forces with business to tackle the most pressing challenges of our time
- Oxford University to co-lead £8m Energy Demand Observatory and Laboratory to help UK reach net-zero
- Significant scale-up investment for three Oxford spinouts
- New Vice-Chancellor ready to 'fire and wire' University with Oxford and world
- Chancellor welcomes new VC of Oxford Irene Tracey
- ‘Made in Oxford’ Vice-Chancellor Professor Irene Tracey sets out vision
- Compound extreme heat and drought will hit 90% of world population – Oxford study
- Molnupiravir doesn't reduce COVID-19 hospitalisations in high-risk vaccinated people
- New Year Honours 2023
- Oxford vaccinologist Teresa Lambe honoured with Irish Abroad award
- Oxford students successfully send an experiment into space
- New study finds logged tropical forests are surprisingly vibrant and need protection
- Satellite imagery reveals that wild African elephants choose paths leading directly to their favourite food
- Satellite imagery reveals for first time that wild African elephants choose paths leading directly to their favourite food
- Oxford climate research excellence recognised by renewed Met Office partnership
- Oxford Ebola vaccine manufactured and shipped in record time by SII
- Oxford offers new scholarships to care-experienced graduates
- Nearly 1 in 10 young people experience physical pain and suicidality
- Global coalition of experts urge COP15 negotiators to uphold 2030 targets
- Mapping the old with the new: handheld 3D scanning of Oxford's Sheldonian Theatre
- ‘Hand to hand’ app helps poorest with COVID impact
- New exhibit highlights differences between algorithmic and human curation
- Oxford leads Nature Positive Universities Alliance to reverse biodiversity decline
- New study highlights urgent need to safeguard deep reefs - one of the largest and least protected ecosystems
- Oxford academics launch project to research the impact of technology in UK schools
- Oxford University delegation to champion nature at UN biodiversity conference
- Big egos, lack of staff training and policy enforcement are major barriers to island conservation
- New Oxford scholarship paves the way for the next generation of female Fields Medallists
- Expert Comment: Unemployment could undermine social trust in Europe
- New Oxford mathematics scholarship enabled by founding and principal donor XTX Markets
- EAVI2020: The Quest for an HIV Vaccine
- Smoking increases the risks of 56 diseases in Chinese adults
- Artworks reflect on artefacts from the Bodleian Libraries’ colonial collections in a new exhibition
- Artwork reflects on artefacts from the Bodleian Libraries’ colonial collections in new exhibition
- Synthetic fibres discovered in Antarctic samples show the ‘pristine’ continent is now a sink for plastic pollution
- New research facility launches to develop the next generation of advanced functional materials
- Scholarship scheme for graduates displaced by the war in Ukraine receives funding to continue
- Young lives under pressure as global crises hits mental health and well-being – report
- New data from James Webb Space Telescope reveals an exoplanet atmosphere as never seen before
- Four Oxford academics ‘showing great promise’ awarded European Research Council Starting Grants
- First evidence drug resistant bacteria can travel from gut to lung, increasing infection risks
- Expert Comment - Climate justice and credible targets..or will COP27 be remembered as a 'lame duck'?
- Oxford University’s Schwarzman Centre reaches construction milestone with commencement ceremony
- Many adolescents game a lot without negative effects on their wellbeing
- Expert Comment: Air pollution cools climate more than expected – making cutting carbon emissions more urgent
- Oxford’s Ebola vaccine recommended for deployment against Uganda outbreak
- New analysis of Winchcombe meteorite reveals a window into the early solar system
- E-cigarettes are more effective than nicotine-replacement therapy in helping smokers quit
- Renowned writers read for Salman Rushdie at Bodleian Libraries
- Expert comments: COP27 Gender Day
- US top of tech-enabled countries, but China and India among the fast movers - report
- Researchers make miniature ‘bone marrows in a dish’ to improve anti-cancer treatments
- Key cause of type 2 diabetes uncovered
- Oxford awards its highest honour to Simon and David Reuben
- External factors, including homicide, drive death rate disparity in US black-white young adults
- COP27: Net Zero guidelines aim to drive higher standards and counter 'greenwashing' accusations
- Friendly monkeys have friendly microbes
- We must stop fossil fuels causing global warming, before the world stops using fossil fuels - Prof Myles Allen
- We must stop fossil fuels causing global warming, before the world stops using fossil fuels - Prof Myles Allen
- Expert Comment: Is the future of transport electric? We have to do everything, and fast
- UN report calls for non-state emissions action: as new data shows 60% of top businesses have no net zero target
- New tool could help GPs predict and prevent serious falls
- University of Oxford study provides important insights into TB correlates of protection
- Profiling the entire cancer genome identifies new subgroups of blood cancer
- Expert Comment. American midterms: Is compromise possible amid the 'cold civil war'?
- Therapeutic HIV vaccine with Oxford technology achieves encouraging results
- Tonga volcano had highest plume ever recorded, new study confirms
- Bacterial armour plating has implications for antibiotics
- Expert Comment: European public opinion on climate change has become politicised
- John Fulljames appointed as inaugural Director of Oxford University’s Humanities Cultural Programme
- COP27 must deliver fast action, swift justice and protect nature – Oxford experts
- 500 million year-old fossils reveal answer to evolutionary riddle
- Pancreatic cancer could be diagnosed up to three years earlier
- Oxford University joins €2.9 million Quantum Technologies Flagship project
- COP27 must deliver fast action, swift justice and protect nature - Oxford experts
- Oxford University hosts the Irish the Taoiseach to give its annual Romanes Lecture
- Oxford University hosts Irish Prime Minister to give its annual Romanes Lecture
- The Oxford Research Centre in Humanities launches Egypt Season
- $3m Rockefeller Foundation funding to strengthen pandemic surveillance and response innovation co-developed by Oxford biologists
- Two major meteorite impacts reveal new insights about the surface of Mars
- Oxford contributes to new UK research consortium to tackle monkeypox
- Oxford joins Schmidt Futures’ $148 million global initiative to accelerate use of AI in scientific research
- Africa needs country-specific narratives for a clean energy future - study
- Horse Power: €10 million for project in which Terracotta warriors meet the ancient Mongolian state
- New Scottish fossil sheds light on the origins of lizards
- Discovery of new ecosystem - ‘The Trapping Zone’ - creating oasis of life in the Maldives
- Remote digital platform working is great, if you live in a city - Oxford study
- Food industry shows ‘stalled progress’ to reduce salt intakes, new Oxford-led analysis finds
- Four Oxford researchers win £100,000 Philip Leverhulme prizes
- Oxford-led study finds disease outbreaks influence the colour of wolves across North America
- Oxford University holds public event to promote road safety
- Poverty rate in India was slashed, says report, but globally 1.2bn still poor
- COVID-19 continued to hit life expectancy in 2021 in unvaccinated populations and Eastern Europe
- Gene associated with better immune response, protection after COVID-19 vaccination
- Oxford gets £122m funding for healthcare research
- Opportunity Oxford ambassadors share their thoughts on the programme as a new academic year gets underway
- Saïd Business School marks Black History Month 2022 by unveiling new scholarships
- Oxford Electric Vehicle Summit on Growth, Investment and Decarbonisation
- Oxplore – the home of Big Questions online – celebrates five years engaging curious young minds
- New study finds that monkeypox virus can spread widely within specialist hospital isolation rooms
- The University of Oxford launches fully online Postgraduate Diploma in Global Health Research to tackle inequities in health research leadership
- Oxford Professor Ketan Patel appointed as Chief Scientist at Cancer Research UK
- Chancellor opens new 'Back Quad' buildings at the heart of Wadham's commitment to broadening access
- Oxford Professor, Luciano Floridi, wins Italy's highest award
- Oxford University named world’s top university for the 7th consecutive year
- James Webb Space Telescope reveals new surprises on galaxy organic molecules near black holes
- MenACWY teenage meningitis vaccine programme drives herd immunity across all ages
- University of Oxford partners with Novo Nordisk Foundation to offer new research opportunities for talented international postdoctoral scientists
- New analysis of shipping emissions reveals that air pollution has a larger effect on climate than previously thought
- New computational technique reveals changes to lung function post COVID-19 infection
- Driving change: Oxford academic awarded £700k-plus for project to improve working lives in logistics.
- Outsourced children’s care homes provide poorer quality care – Oxford study
- Vice-Chancellor's Oration 2022
- New Saïd Dean Soumitra Dutta highlights international innovation
- Feelings 'ratings' are highly predictive of future behaviour - research
- Cultural Heritage on the Frontline: the destruction of peoples and identities in war
- Oxford spinout Optellum secures $14m funding to advance pioneering AI-powered lung cancer diagnosis technology
- New study shows higher rate of fractures in people with intellectual disability
- Professor Kia Nobre awarded prestigious Heineken Prize for Cognitive Science 2022
- Discovery of new nanowire assembly process could enable more powerful computer chips
- How Global South cities can work better: free course based on Oxford-led urban research
- President of St John’s College to deliver Royal Institution’s 2022 Christmas Lectures
- Language learning difficulties in children linked to brain differences
- ‘Activist investor’ makes funding commitment to Black Academic Futures
- Oxford University research on show at the Oxford Science and Ideas Festival 2022
- New research reveals relationship between particular brain circuits and different aspects of mental wellbeing
- Professor David Deutsch awarded Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
- Graduate access programme for students from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds draws to a close
- Night-time blood pressure assessment is found to be important in diagnosing hypertension
- Online arts and culture engagement can have a positive impact on young people’s mental health: Oxford study
- Oxford celebrates the inaugural Vice-Chancellor’s Innovation and Engagement Awards
- Oxford University tops The Times Good University Guide 2023 rankings
- Decarbonising the energy system by 2050 could save trillions - Oxford study
- Oxford researchers develop new AI to enable autonomous vehicles to adapt to challenging weather conditions
- Malaria booster vaccine continues to meet WHO-specified 75% efficacy goal
- More than 10 million children were affected by COVID-19-associated parental and caregiver deaths
- Oxford University project aims to preserve Second World War memories
- Oxford archaeologists discover monumental evidence of prehistoric hunting across Arabian desert
- Oxford archaeologists discover monumental evidence of prehistoric hunting across Arabian desert
- University tours, family activities and a chance to explore behind the scenes at Oxford Open Doors 2022
- Oxford to host net zero technology summit
- New study shows muscle pain is not due to statins in over 90% of those taking the treatment
- Oxford partners with the Optiver Foundation to launch new international postgraduate scholarship programme for women in STEM
- First definitive detection of carbon dioxide in an exoplanet atmosphere
- Life expectancy of minorities hit hardest in the US during COVID-19
- Oxford University to support deep-sea expedition to the Maldives
- Early childhood weight affected by mother's diet during pregnancy
- Maternal fat metabolism in pregnancy and fetal abdominal growth influence child weight
- Oxford University launch new clinical trial to test a treatment for monkeypox
- Oxford scientists honoured with eight Royal Society Awards
- Study reveals how hunting hawks home in on prey inside a chaotic swarm
- 2022 A-Level results: University of Oxford response
- Increased risk of some neurological and psychiatric disorders remains two years after COVID-19 infection
- Student entrepreneurs win award
- Sensory Supermarket event to help businesses make public spaces more inclusive for autistic people
- Genetic mapping of tumours reveals how cancers grow
- Tackling suicide risk in people with mental disorders
- Environmental impact of 57,000 multi-ingredient processed foods revealed
- Antimicrobial resistant bacteria found in newborn children from low- and middle-income countries
- Oxford spinout MiroBio acquired by Gilead Sciences for $405m
- The most prominent UK business values do not include humility or gratitude – Oxford study
- Viral role in Alzheimer's Disease discovered
- Researchers develop new breath-driven concept set to transform access to hand prosthetics
- Professor Hugh Watkins wins £30 million research award to cure killer heart diseases
- New rabies vaccine candidate demonstrates promising immune response and safety
- Secure cryptography with real-world devices is now a realistic possibility
- Seeing the light: researchers develop new AI system using light to learn associatively
- Oxford launches new department to further bioscience teaching and research
- Year-12 students from across the UK get a taste of life at Oxford
- Genetic study provides evidence that alcohol accelerates biological aging
- Gaming does not appear harmful to mental health, unless the gamer can't stop - Oxford study
- Lonely old deers: ageing red deer become less social as they grow older
- Seven Oxford academics elected British Academy Fellows
- When hippos roamed, past temperatures were much higher - expert comment
- Expert Comment: Hot? The UK has been much hotter
- More children aged 8-17 trying to lose weight than a decade ago, including children of a healthy weight
- Oxford Science Enterprises raises £250 million to support University innovations
- Oxford vaccine saved most lives in its first year of rollout
- New study evaluates pharmacological treatment for insomnia
- Elephant genes could hold the key to avoiding cancers
- Electric race car designed by students takes part in Formula Student at the home of British Motor Racing
- NGOs must rapidly evolve to stay relevant, say NGO leaders – Oxford survey
- Early life infection increases sensitivity to pain in newborn babies
- UN report: Oxford analysis reveals up to half of Holocaust-related content on Telegram denies or distorts facts
- New cross-disciplinary medical research building opens in Oxford
- How effective is school-based mindfulness training?
- Oxford researchers become EMBO members
- Novel all-in-one vaccine developed to tackle future coronavirus threats
- Pandemic Sciences Institute formally launched in Oxford
- Oxford Mathematician James Maynard awarded Fields Medal 2022
- Ten years since the discovery of the Higgs boson
- Rare wild ancestors of feral pigeons found living on British and Irish islands
- How to mobilise $100 trillion wisely: Oxford course on sustainable finance
- How to mobilise $100 trillion wisely: Oxford course on climate change finance
- How to spend $100 trillion wisely: Oxford course on sustainable finance
- COVID-19 vaccine protects people of all body weights from hospitalisation and death
- Tonga volcano eruption triggered atmospheric gravity waves that reached the edge of space
- The hawk has landed: braking mid-air to prioritise safety over energy or speed
- Health outsourcing linked to higher mortality rate – Oxford study
- Prestigious Muslim community award for Oxford vaccine researcher
- Oxford student wins PhD Student of the Year award
- University of Oxford throws open its doors to prospective students
- New study finds that politicians typically enjoy longer lives than general populations
- Expose ‘greenwashing’ but do not ignore nature-based solutions to climate change - insists Oxford expert
- Nadja Yang recognised in the Women’s Engineering Society’s Top 50 Women in Engineering awards
- Honorary degrees awarded at Encaenia 2022
- 20 minutes of daily exercise can keep teens' doctors away
- Expert Comment: We must break free of fossil fuel Stockholm Syndrome
- Prestigious Tang prize for Oxford China expert Prof. Dame Jessica Rawson
- Regent’s Park College announces the appointment of a new Principal
- Researchers develop the world's first ultra-fast photonic computing processor using polarisation
- Why we need philosophy and ethics of cyber warfare
- Five Oxford researchers awarded Future Leaders Fellowships
- Oxford to receive £7 million to turn bright ideas into global opportunities
- Discovery of gene involved in chronic pain creates new treatment target
- Bernadette Stolz receives L’Oréal-UNESCO Women in Science Rising Talent fellowship
- Winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Diversity Awards 2022 announced
- Higher rate of COVID-19 death before vaccination linked to certain common inflammatory immune conditions
- Multiple heart-related conditions linked to triple dementia risk regardless of genetics
- Com-COV study supports flexible priming intervals in standard/mixed schedules
- Gravity-defying spike waves rewrite the rule book
- Common drug-resistant superbug develops fast resistance to 'last resort' antibiotic
- Oxford scientists win seven Royal Society of Chemistry Prizes
- Researchers show dynamic soaring isn’t just for albatrosses
- Museum of Natural History to showcase Science Together community-researcher collaborations
- Queen’s Birthday Honours recognise service from Vice-Chancellor and Oxford colleagues
- Doctoral research funding initiative launched to tackle antimicrobial resistance
- Professor of American Government elected to oldest learned US society
- Scientists explain why Uranus and Neptune are different colours
- Long-distance collaboration makes scientific breakthroughs more likely
- New cross-sector sustainable energy transition hub opens with energy crisis forum
- AI standards essential to protect doctor-patient relationships and human rights
- Com-COV vaccine study to research third dose booster options for 12-to-15-year-olds
- New international partnership puts communities and smart grids at the heart of net zero
- Ehud Hrushovski joint winner of this year's Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences
- Population-scale study highlights ongoing risk of COVID-19 in some cancer patients despite vaccination
- Major boost for Oxford’s mission to counter future pandemic threats
- 50-year project reveals new insights about the evolution and influence of Voltaire's thought
- New reporting guidelines developed to improve AI in healthcare settings
- Rainforest trees may have been dying faster since the 1980s because of climate change - study
- Honorary degree recipients for 2022 announced
- Prince Charles opens new Levine Building at Trinity College
- Oxford’s REF 2021 results show largest volume of world-leading research
- Eight Oxford researchers elected to Royal Society
- Bank of America in key partnership with Oxford’s Smith School to support climate and sustainable finance research
- Professor Irene Tracey CBE FMedSci nominated as next Oxford Vice-Chancellor
- Sale of donkey skins linked to trade in illegal wildlife products
- Dairy products linked to increased risk of cancer
- Dairy products linked to increased risk of cancer
- Fully funded scholarship scheme launches for graduate students from Ukraine
- DeepMind CEO to give lecture on AI's potential for scientific discovery
- Oxford University launches the Astrophoria Foundation Year for underrepresented students
- Neither detection nor control of high blood pressure improved by self-monitoring during pregnancy
- Breakthrough in treatment for Dupuytren’s disease
- LEGO Foundation gives £11 million in support of international parenting initiative
- CAMS Oxford Institute unveiled at virtual ceremony
- Oxford scientist named Australian of the Year in the UK
- Call the Academic: Oxford researcher wins BBC centenary grant for project exploring long-running ‘Midwife’ drama
- Call the Academic: Oxford researcher wins BBC centenary grant for project exploring long-running ‘Midwife’ drama
- 75 years of the influential Great Tit study at Wytham Woods
- Expert Comment: Five new(s) and five olds in the sixth IPCC report on mitigating climate change
- Multi-million pound European grants for four ‘excellent research leaders’ at Oxford
- Sapphire fibre could enable cleaner energy and air-travel
- Expert Comment: Putin’s Russia: people increasingly identify with the Soviet Union – here’s what that means
- Researchers assess Oxford University's impacts on biodiversity and how to mitigate them
- No rest for new elephant mothers
- Protease inhibitors safer than thought for pregnant women with HIV
- Government gives £15 million to build software and computer systems at the heart of a new international telescope system
- New W boson measurement deviates from the Standard Model
- Abused children who were adopted did ‘significantly better’ than those brought up in care – research
- Breakthrough success in provision of automated psychological therapy using virtual reality
- Oxford men's crew claim victory in 2022 Boat Race after Cambridge women’s win
- Oxford University retains top spot for spinout generation in the UK
- Nature prefers symmetry and simplicity
- New award will empower students from underrepresented groups to excel in future careers
- No increased risk of brain tumours for mobile phone users, new study finds
- Little understood brain region linked to how we perceive pain
- Negative impact of social media affects girls and boys at different ages – study
- Delaying clean energy transition would be ‘lose-lose’ for UK energy security, households and the climate
- New study finds giant predatory dinosaurs could hunt underwater
- Expert Comment. Ukraine war: Putin’s masterclass in delusion, denial and defeat
- Oxford launches new Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science
- The RECOVERY Trial - two years on
- The RECOVERY Trial is two years old today
- Oxford launches new multi-disciplinary ZERO Institute
- British Academy creates new ‘oracy’ fellowship - to investigate levelling up through talk
- Oxford researchers' index shows international healthcare systems becoming more universal
- Researchers develop the world's first power-free frequency tuner using nanomaterials
- Largest genetic study of pleural infection reveals complex nature of common disease
- Expert Comment: Economic sanctions are not likely immediately to shift Russian opinion against Putin
- Expert Comment: How ordinary Ukrainian families are suffering under Russian shells
- Expert Comment: Putin’s war - How did we get here? ....Ukraine 2014
- Oxford further commits to best research practice by joining UKRN
- First UK pilot study of newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy launched in Oxford
- Oxford historians apply state-of-the-art AI to transform the study of ancient texts
- Historians apply state-of-the-art AI to transform the study of ancient texts
- Oxford University receives planning permission for the Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities
- Oxford University receives planning permission for the new Humanities building
- Expert Comment: The UK is failing to meet its obligations to refugees from Ukraine
- Expert Comment: How history will look back on Russian invasion
- Oral paratyphoid vaccine to begin human trials
- Professor Lynne Cox helps lead UK project to transform older age health
- Brain regions related to smell show decline following mild COVID-19
- Expert Comment: Ukraine has earned a future in the European Union
- Rabies vaccine candidate begins human trials in Tanzania
- Large mammals can help climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Large mammals can help climate change mitigation and adaptation
- RECOVERY trial shows Baricitinib reduces deaths in patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- Moral questions - and answers - around helping Ukraine, nuclear deterrents and self-defence
- Moral questions - and answers - around helping Ukraine, assassinating murderous leaders and nuclear threats
- COVID-19 Multi-omic Blood Atlas (COMBAT) published
- Ukraine crisis: new research-led support for 'hero' parents and caregivers
- The hidden footprint of low-carbon indoor farming
- Two years on: Covid-19 threatens to derail the prospects for a generation in the global south - report
- Art for our sake: Artists cannot be replaced by machines - study
- Oxford-based charity receives more than $2.5 billion in pledges from 'community of effective givers'
- DeepMind donation creates 12 new research internships in artificial intelligence and machine learning
- New study shows significant impacts of severe COVID-19 infection on pregnancy outcomes
- Too many words, too little action: climate justice is essential to limit climate change - IPCC chapter author
- Too many words, too little action: climate justice is essential to limit climate change
- Competing identities of the past and future in Russia and Ukraine
- University of Oxford researchers create largest ever human family tree
- New Oxford-Lancaster guidelines to improve practice when babies are separated from parents at birth
- US Stand Your Ground laws are associated with 700 additional homicides every year
- Researchers find genetic ‘fingerprints’ of ancient migrations in modern-day United Arab Emirates
- Review highlights impact of Long COVID on cardiovascular system
- Everyone has heard of King Arthur, but 90% of medieval manuscripts of chivalric and heroic tales have been lost
- Three University of Oxford Earth Scientists honoured with the title of Geochemistry Fellow
- A rapid climate response from science is essential
- Global study launched to evaluate effects of Covid-19 variants and vaccination in pregnancy
- Oxford fast-paced research programme for environmental solutions wins £10 million official backing
- Sarah Gilbert becomes recipient of Sunhak Peace Prize
- We need to define the rules of a post-pandemic world
- New postdoctoral global scholarships at Oxford funded by British Academy
- Unlocking the mechanical secrets of giant Amazonian waterlilies
- Seismometer technology field-tested in Antarctica before space missions
- Oxford University establishes the Jonathan Cooper Professor of the History of Sexualities
- First-in-human implant of a “closed-loop” bioelectronic research system
- First-in-human implant of a “closed-loop” bioelectronic research system
- New adaptable smart window coating could help heat or cool a home and save energy
- Students can thrive and reach their full potential at Oxford with new Dr Ateh Jewel Education Foundation Award
- Researchers and charities team up to support local families by creating free toddler activity packs
- Research collaboration launched to focus on repurposing existing anti-viral therapies to treat COVID-19
- New highly virulent and damaging HIV variant discovered in the Netherlands
- Unprecedented crises trigger severe hunger in southern Ethiopia
- Positive impact of funding research in mental health
- Climate change in the Early Holocene - archaeology report
- Reed warblers migrating from Africa use the Earth's magnetic field to find their nests
- Sarah Gilbert elected as RA Honorary Fellow
- The Duchess of Cornwall opens new Marcela Botnar wing in Oxford
- Volunteers needed for human challenge trial to study immune response to Covid-19
- Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall tours special treasures of The Bodleian Libraries
- Invest strategically in wind and solar farms in Africa - Oxford study
- Stress for couples on Universal Credit as living costs soar - new research
- Volunteers needed for human challenge trial to study immune response to Covid-19
- Mixed vaccine schedules offer strong booster responses after two doses of CoronaVac vaccine
- Mystery of sweetpotato origin uncovered, as missing link plant found by Oxford research
- Cancer Research UK to invest £11 million into cancer science in Oxford
- An estimated 1.2 million people died in 2019 from antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections
- Royal Society cautions against online censorship of scientific misinformation
- Oxford researchers discover unexpected deep diving in albatross
- University of Oxford Earth Scientist honoured in the annual Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists
- Review highlights risk factors associated with violence in schizophrenia
- Attention and memory deficits persist for months after recovery from mild Covid
- Plastic Drawdown tool to help Maldives slash plastic waste by 85 percent, study reveals
- Treasured Jane Austen letters donated to the Bodleian Libraries and Jane Austen’s House
- Dramatic fall in hospital admissions for child infections since start of covid-19 pandemic
- New Dean for Saïd Business School announced
- New research sheds light on how ultrasound could be used to treat psychiatric disorders
- Undergraduate offers released amid strong competition for places
- New Head of the Humanities Division announced
- Leverhulme Trust awards £10 million to new Oxford nature recovery centre
- Superbug MRSA arose in hedgehogs long before clinical use of antibiotics
- New study finds economic progress is aided by longer supply chains and deeper networks
- New test can identify if a patient has cancer and if it has spread
- New Year's Honours 2022
- Safer carbon capture and storage
- Oxford team publish blueprint for making millions of doses of a new vaccine within 100 days
- New approach to predicting battery failure could help maintain electricity for millions around the world
- £50m funding for Poonawalla Vaccines Research Building at Oxford University
- Protein test could lead to earlier and better diagnosis of Parkinson’s
- New resistance-busting antibiotic combination could extend the use of ‘last-resort’ antibiotics
- COVID-19 certificates may boost vaccine uptake in countries with below average coverage – Oxford study
- The passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
- Vaccines shown to induce lower levels of neutralising antibodies against Omicron coronavirus variant
- RECOVERY Trial launches in South Africa
- 90% of countries have published vaccine plans: Oxford Covid policy tracker
- Adjoa Andoh named as next Cameron Mackintosh Visiting Professor of Contemporary Theatre
- Key surveys overestimate COVID-19 vaccination rates in the USA
- We can accelerate vaccine production through partnerships that promote knowledge sharing
- Major report points way to a more resilient UK food system
- Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert delivers 44th Dimbleby Lecture
- Iron integral to the development of life on Earth – and the possibility of life on other planets
- Com-COV2 study supports flexible second dose options following Pfizer or Oxford/AstraZeneca jabs
- Meta must do better - data from social media giant essential to mental health research
- Meta could do better - data from social media giant essential to mental health research
- Prizes announced for inaugural creative writing award founded by Nobel Prize laureate
- Oxford researchers honoured by British Society for Immunology
- Oxford study shows government programme increases pupil focus on careers
- New Oxford-GSK Institute to harness advanced technology and unravel mechanisms of disease
- Machine learning helps mathematicians make new connections
- Oxford investigators part of urgent new economic and social research programme
- Tributes to pioneering Oxford innovator, Sir Martin Wood
- Jenner Institute named Covid Innovation Heroes
- Oxford University wins prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prize
- ‘Another War Is Coming’, Kate Bingham DBE, delivers Romanes lecture
- Oxford and Cambridge win joint award to improve access to postgraduate research
- Island conservationists identify key barriers to meeting biodiversity targets
- IKEA Foundation pledges £4.5m to back Oxford sustainable finance action
- Space @ Oxford Week blasts off on Monday 22 November
- Oxford Suzhou Centre for Advanced Research (OSCAR) celebrates three years of innovation
- Professor Louise Richardson to become President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York in 2023
- Planning application for new Humanities building reveal inspirational design
- Life on Mars search could be misled by false fossils
- Oxford-led research maps milestone stage of human development for the first time
- Oxford science relaunches digital channel Oxford Sparks to open its secrets to the world
- Artificial intelligence used to recognise primate behaviours in the wild
- New joint Oxford-Wits project to study human mobility in Global South
- COP26: Don't forget the successes - Oxford experts
- $2m fund awarded for Oxford’s single-cell ancestry vaccine research
- Global antibiotic consumption rates increased by 46 percent since 2000
- Oxford vaccine reaches two billion dose milestone
- Oxford scientists announced as guest Christmas Lecturers
- Digital Scholarship @Oxford: Transforming digital research
- Ebola vaccine to begin human trials
- Finally: COP considers cities and the climate crisis
- Sustainable eating is cheaper and healthier - Oxford study
- Facebook reveals number of migrants in the UK has been underestimated
- Oxford joins consortium to advance quantum drug discovery with £6.8M grant from Innovate UK
- Researchers uncover gene that doubles risk of death from COVID-19
- Next Warden of Keble College announced
- New software predicts the movements of large land animals
- Construction gets underway at Oxford’s Life and Mind Building
- 80% of world economy now aiming for net zero - but not all pledges are equal
- Oxford to work with Brazil to establish clinical research hub
- Nicola Blackwood appointed Chair of Oxford University Innovation board
- Early education and development ‘levelled up’ in 21st century - study
- Oxford to test potential treatment for fatigue in long COVID patients
- PTSD in healthcare workers during pandemic could be exacerbated by past trauma
- Major new research network to investigate the body clock and stroke
- Dieter Schwarz Foundation and Oxford announce major research collaboration on artificial intelligence, government and policy
- Dine and dash? Global COVID recovery investment is not aligned with COP rhetoric
- Oxford food experts work with Tesco on sustainable plant-based meals
- Wearing face coverings protected wearers from COVID-19 infection – large scale study
- Oxford-led team given £6.6m to map uncharted networks in the progression of Parkinson’s
- Tamoxifen repurposing study shows no benefit in treating deadly fungal meningitis
- UNEP emissions gap report: Damning findings on G20 ambition and post-Covid green finance