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  • Range of emojis; background image for 'How do you tackle hate speech one emoji at a time?'

    How do you tackle hate speech one emoji at a time?

    Online communication channels are popular, to say the least. For instance, there are 187 million active Twitter users per…

  • Hannah Rose Kirk profile image

    Hannah Rose Kirk

    AI Researcher

    After graduating from the University of Cambridge as an Economist, I moved to Beijing for two years where I…

  • Yee Whye Teh profile image

    Yee Whye Teh

    Machine Learning Researcher

    I am a Professor of Statistical Machine Learning at the Department of Statistics of the University of Oxford, a…

  • Reads viewing extreme events through social media

    Viewing extreme events through social media

    We are creating digital data all the time. Via social media, we’re generating evidence of everything we see and…

  • Hacker

    Can computers predict crime?

    You can’t turn on the TV or read a newspaper article without a daily reporting of crime. As technology…

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