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  • How will climate change affect wine?

    People have been interested in wine growing and quality vintages since the Roman times, but as the climate warms,…

  • Snowy mountains

    What are the odds of a white Christmas?

    As we count down to the festive season and the days get colder, will we see a white Christmas…

  • Tom Pavey profile image

    Tom Pavey

    Ecologist & Oxford Sparks Ambassador

    There is relatively little research conducted combining studies on the climate and biodiversity crises. As fundamentally entangled areas of…

  • Silhouette of an aeroplane. Featured image for the podcast episode 'How do you convert CO2 into jet fuel?'

    How do you convert CO2 into jet fuel?

    Increasing levels of CO2 in our atmosphere are a big cause for concern. So what if we could find…

  • Tiancun Xiao profile image

    Tiancun Xiao


    Dr Tiancun Xiao obtained a BsC from Northwest University, China in 1987 and  and Ph.D of Chemical Physics (heterogenous…

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