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  • Giampiero Valenzano profile image

    Giamp Valenzano

    Cancer Immunologist & Oxford Sparks Ambassador

    Hi! My name is Giamp. I am a medic by training and have graduated from the International Medical School…

  • Computer generated image of bacteria; website image for the podcast episode 'How can we use sound waves to eliminate infections?'

    How can we use sound waves to eliminate infections?

    Many of us will have had to deal with a bacterial infection at some point or another. The solution?…

  • Sara Keller profile image

    Sara Keller

    Biomedical Engineer

    I always knew I wanted to be an engineer but it wasn’t until an undergraduate research experience at Vanderbilt…

  • A line of people in silhouette, against the backdrop of planet Earth. Featured image for podcast episode 'How has life expectancy changed after the pandemic?'

    How has life expectancy changed after the pandemic?

    Demographers (researchers who study the statistics of human populations) look at factors such as birth rates, death rates, migration…

  • Charlotte Collingwood sits against a tree. Featured image for the video 'When Stress Turns Bad'.

    When Stress Turns Bad

    Did you know that stress evolved as a key tool for our survival? I mean, you wouldn’t want to…

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